
The Reentry Initiative

TRI helps women return from incarceration to start new lives.  Through pre- and post-release evidence-based programming, as well as housing and case management, our mission is to empower women to successfully transition from incarceration to a restored live in society.

Pre-release support comes through a six-month pre-release course inside Denver Women’s Correctional Facility. Post-release wrap around transitional services include:

  • Day-of-release transportation

  • First 72-hour coordination of basic living essentials: transportation, food, clothing, identification

  • Coordinated relapse prevention, medical, mental health, and psychiatric services

  • Clinical case management

  • Housing options

  • Mentoring

  • Community Reintegration

That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something.
— Meredith Monk